Tuesday 26 May 2015



I'm going to do things in reverse order this week and sort out housekeeping before the 'main d main' (main subject matter). A big thank you for all feedback, comments raised by my last post "More Than a Match....' 
Organ donation within the black community, what a discussion. Hopefully what Dela, Tayo and myself set out to achieve was accomplished. 

Now this may sound a bit like deja vu, but there I was the other day doing what I do best in my spare time, looking at my contacts display pictures, yes I know!! < Insert 'get a life' emoticon> and I spot a pic of a lady on a 'sister from another mother's' profile. Accompanied with the words "Ele toh badt, happy birthday to you"

Hmmm, now how do I interpret that phrase 'Ele toh badt'? I'd say literally it means "Girl you're not doing too bad" in other words "Girl you're looking good" it's a Yoruba idiomatic expression with the word 'bad' corrupted and swapped for 'badt' with the "t" added at the end in typical Yoruba style, you know the same way that we phonetically pronounce every single letter in our words, like adding the silent  't' in the word 'listen'? Please don't get me started!

Those that know of this phrase may have different thoughts, some consider it to be somewhat "razz" (street) and not really a term to be used by 'cool' people.  I PERSONALLY like it though, just a pity most of the meaning is lost in translation. To appreciate how this phrase is used, you need to visualise a group of ladies all dressed up and 'good to go' and then one babe turns up, dressed to the hilt, gele (head wrap) layered, lippy, powder set-matt on face, eye makeup, eyebrow game forever strong and on point, everything is just 'tapping' 'reporting' and 'intact'!
As she enters the room if her girlfriends were to say 'Oh Arike you look so nice' that's Oyinbo repètè (too much grammar) and doesn't really cut it. But rather if they start yelling  'Omo ele toh badt' with a husky Yoruba 'haccent', it's kinda puts the icing and cherry on the cake. And there is no need for further description!

So there I was jisting with this my 'sister from another Moda' telling her that I liked her use of this phrase. She's like 'really Aunty Ola??' I replied "yes" and explain further that I could even possibly consider changing the name of Risi By Name Blog to "Ele Toh Badt Blog". She keeps silent for a while before asking "you are joking? " And when I reply no I wasn't. She then lets it all out, pulling no punches! She 'warns' me not to even think about it. That yes it was a fun slang but definitely not suitable as blog name. I back down and tell her I was only joking (was I though?!)

Anyway 'as per usual' yes it"s a slippery slope, we start to reel off other slangs used to describe a nice looking woman, like 
"Haa, see how your body fine like takeaway", self explanatory unless maybe you're on a healthy eating plan and 'takeaway" is not your fav thing!
 Or 'I love this your photo like 'kilode' 
Kilode in Yoruba means 'what's wrong' or 'what's the matter', so basically one is saying they like your photo so much that they lack words ie indescribably!
I then jist her about a fav adjective my sister-in-law uses to define someone looking nice , she'll say "ah you look like 'potato', this my sis asks 'what does she mean by that that?', I say isn't obvious that 'potato' signifies something nice, she begs to differ and says personally she would prefer to be likened to 'yam' as yam goes much better with egg and 'sandine' Yes this our conversation is so intellectual!
Conversation slips further and now we are now exploring what a Naija man defines as beauty in 'our' women or the qualities they prefer. At this point in time I cite the caveat emptor.... "Opinions expressed in this blog....blah di blah....all men look away now!

Of course we have to give this our 'broda' a name, we debate whether to call him Alao, Nnamdi or Yusuf and decide we don't want to cause offence so we settle for a somewhat neutral non-tribalistic name 'Felix'.
So here we have Felix describing his 'Bae' that's the new slang for 'Babe' by the way, don't ask me why as makes no sense to me either! It's a bit like how term of endearment for a guy has become 'Boo' or if you wanna sound French 'le boo' <insert puke bucket emoticon>

We have trend on Naija's social media recently with too many articles circulating giving advice on 'How a Naija man should 'purportedly' be treated by a woman', these articles have been written by men for men, we have a few of them misinterpreting The Bible to buttress their weak points with their all time favourite being............wait for it:

"Wives submit yourselves unto your husbands' as unto The Lord" Ephesians 5:22

I laugh in Ijebu as I write, thinking of one of my readers their body will be 'scratching' them as they cannot wait to give their own analysis of this bible verse. 

The worst article I've read so far though, has to be "How To Please A Nigerian Man" penned by former Naija singer now self proclaimed journalist who goes by the name  "Etcetera". The guy is such a wind up, his fav pastime is lashing out at Naija celebrities. Sometime ago he wrote a derogatory article about Naija artist, Tiwa Savage, she gave it back to him though. In her rejoinder, she started off by asking who the hell was he anyway?  Etcetera? Comma, Full stop, hash tag or whatever he purports his name to be!!! . 

Anyway this 'unku' appears to have now repackaged himself into relationship counsellor! This his latest article is so chauvinistic that I cannot even justify it with a hyperlink, so if you're having a particularly good day and want to ruin it, get annoyed and angry, then kindly feel free to google it!

This our Broda Felix is not one of 'those' types, he's just a local champ minding his business that would like to share his definition of a fine girl and explain what actually 'floats his boat"! 
He has a number of main chicks and side chicks that he juggles, each of them have different qualities that attract him to them. 

Felix loves his 'Bae' to preferably be yellow in colour (fair skinned). He will even use the defunct words 'half-caste" or 'Mullato' rather than 'mixed race' or 'bi-racial', when he wants to show-off to his friends. When he goes to visit her as she opens the door, her little dog (it's a poodle) comes jumping out at him, rubbing it's dirty stained paws onto Felix white starched brocade trousers, (this white brocade has a slight blue ting to it!! who remembers 'Robin's blue' that we used after laundering white cloths back in the day? Please what was that all about?? and do people still use it?) in his head Felix would be kicking the dog (animal rights, no offence meant!) but rather he 'comports' himself to pose for 'Bae' and 'form' that he is a animal lover and says 'hey doggy' (expecting Felix to remember that dog's name is actually 'Bingo' would be asking for too much') as he strokes it! Gritting his teeth as he does. 

From there Felix visits Bae Number two, she's a favourite of his, it's her "R" and 'H' affliction that does it for him. 
For sake of clarity those that have The "R" Affliction have difficulty or are unable to pronounce the letter "R" for some reason they pronounce the letter as "w". Oyinbo man has a medical term for this 'disorder', it's called 'Rhotacism' (trust me, ask google!!) Likewise some people for the life of them do not know how to use the letter "H" they either drop the letter from their words or add it where it does not belong!
As soon as 'Le boo' Felix arrives at her door, rather than welcoming him with a "Hey boo (not oloribu!), I'm very happy to see you, enter the house now, I've cooked some fried rice and rabbit for you' 
she'll say  'ey baby, I'm vewwy 'appy to see you, henter the 'ouse now, I've cooked some Fwied wice and wabbit for you'. For reasons best known to Felix he finds this ever so endearing and sexy!! 

It's a long day for Felix and he still has few more stops to make he 'branches' to see 'Bae 3' the main attraction here are her gapped teeth (parted teeth) that do it for him!  Funny however this side of the pond, parted teeth are seen as a dental disorder that needs to be 'fixed', 'they' even refer to it as a 'condition' and have christened it as 'diastema'.  Someone I know came over here for some dental work and was horrified to find upon completion of her dental work and braces were removed, the gap between her two front teeth had disappeared!!! She cried for days, trying to explain to the orthodontist she was literally finished as it was these parted teeth that had made her such a 'hot cake' over the years!! 

So all fine ladies that have that lovely highly sought 'eji' (parted teeth), 'they say' you have diastema!!  I wonder how many 'I reject it' I've just got there? Don't shoot the messenger Oooo, no be me talk am...na the orthodontist!

Felix now makes his final call at  'Bae 4' place, and as she opens the door he notices she's wearing jeans. Felix is livid, 'Bae you knew I was coming why are you 'on' jeans' he shouts.
"Boo don't vex you've come much earlier than I expected I'll go and change, but first babe let me clean that dirty patch on your white trousers" as she kneels down before him with bowl of soap and water and starts scrubbing, "what happen here honey" she asks. Felix replies, "Bae why you dey question me like this now, abeg just clean the thing" (chei see how woman don suffer!?). 

When Bae eventually cleans the 'mystery' brown patch from his trousers, she changes her clothes and emerges from bedroom 'on' mini skirt. Felix squints as he tries to focuses on her legs and asks "Bae what has happened to your legs", she replies "legs like how?" He asks her to 'draw' closer and touches her legs; shock, horror they are smooth as glass!! "Oh boo, my friend has introduced me to hair removal cream, all that nasty hair on my legs has now gone" she explains
At this point in time, Felix puts his head in hands and starts crying. Can anyone guess what his attraction with this Bae was???
Here Endeth The Lesson.

Ladies, Ele's or Bae's, just be yourselves. One man's meat.....
Boo's keep reppin'

So what happens after President-Elect's inauguration on Friday?? Let's watch this space. 
Have a great weekend and thanks for your custom. 
And in case you're wondering about title of this post please tap here

You become like the five people you spend most time with. Choose carefully ~ Unknown


Tola said...

Ola, 'mo ko e je rush-rush bi indomie' This means you are hot cake like indomie (noodles).

Felix definitely has more than 4 baes and feels he is doing all of them a favour. Nice going friend. Really laughed my head off.


It is the quotations at the end of post I like. Now I dey fear about the 5 people I spend most of my time with as I don't want to be like at least 3 of them. Na wa

Belle of the ball said...

Ele to o bad, sho wa pa! thats the one that does my head in: How could anyone's greeting be 'Sho wa pa'. Etcetera abi what his name got it all wrong even from the title of his article; in my opinion, aint no pleasing the nigerian man. Imagine, Felix, the baddest of all men(Baddest in this case is not referring to coolness): with his twisted perversion. All those his babes had nothing in common so how can any one woman begin to even decode what make him tick.
Having Eji is a serious matter o. even men with gap are considered 'segzy' as well. We had a help when i was little that would file in between her two front teeth just to create the gap; funny, she was your name sake as well. Lol.

Foluke (Bose) Gabriel said...

RBN, I'm sure it's Tuesday not Friday, so I've definitely missed something. Not surprising though, I can be like those theatre lights you know 'fade in and Fade out'.
The sexism is Nigerian society irks me no end. Actually it reminds me of empty barrels and Noise!
Then just as I climb on my soapbox about 'Felix' and his cohort, I am reminded of all the 'Baba Segi's' out there.


I think Game, Set and frigging MATCH!!!

Iya Ibeji said...

I just love the "razz" scene! It's just me! I'm not one of those that appreciate "posh" I think that 'razz' is cool.
"Baby you are looking jollof" but right now I'm into 'Bae' big time! Bae is so cool! Twin 1 said it stands for 'books and education'. Just as when I got into the craze of using WTF... I was told it stands for 'Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday'. But you would never catch me using it in front of my sweet impressionable children. I admire people that use endearments for each other: Sweetie pie, MD (my dear), sweet potato, chief, daddy, lawyer, doctor ...... Yes o! Some people sha! The profession is a sex appeal on its own......!

In my very warped mind I imagine Madam in Lagos at a high brow do, Oga tries to catch madam's attention by calling "Bae". Two strange or maybe not so strange things happen:
About 10 other heads turn cos that's what their bobo's call them and
The ever helpful driver also calls out "Bae" to help Oga call madam.

As for Felix the anopheles mosquito .....Every day is for the thief but one day is for the owner!!


Just been watching that video over and over, Don Jazzy killed it! What a catchy tune will singing this one at work today
Oya Gift put off d light..we go scatter d couch, from d couch to d bed, from the bed to the bedroom...
But why do Naija musician like yellow girls in their video. That bae looks more a beyonce than a village girl called Gift.
Talking of 'eji' haba see Don Jazzy gap teeth as for the other boo in video that has got to our Felix!
That part they sing in Igbo what are they saying?

Anonymous said...

@ iyaibeji

There could be anoda reason 10 heads turn when oga calls Madam, 'Bae'.Those heads are likely to be ogas side chicks!
Just an observation.

Ajetheboy said...

Local or razz, whichever adjective you choose, that is the "koko" of the matter. I imagine that a philandering husband with a posh wife will opt for the local or razz "options", otherwise where lies the flavour or variety? Not that I know for a fact, just guessing here.

Besides, I guess they can be fun in a very amusing way with what they say and do. If part of the objective is to release stress, you couldn't get a better stress reliever.

What in fact the supposed posh ones regard as a deficiecy in the "razz" girls could actually be a turn-on for some guys. Most guys capitalise on the vulnerability of the opposite sex and enjoy a domineering power over their partner. There are very few exceptions. Therefore this susceptibility displayed by the "razz" girls is all that is required for these set of guys to latch on.

Lastly, some guys swear that this "razz" girls are more natural. No pretences. What you see is what you get. Conclusion, don't knock them. They are the other side of the coin. It depends on which side you want to flow as a guy.

Albanese aka Avenue said...

Ok now my eye don shine.
I laughed out loud aka LOL when I watched the video.
why turn out the light, is Don Jazzy hiding something. he looks like someone who will get lost even with sat nav. DJ darkness may be a bad idea.
This story of "ripe banana", is Gift a monkey or is she potassium deficient, na wah O.

Bae may have been coined by a Jackass who couldn't say Babe, just like Bnaoo is probably Beau gone wrong.

I just thought of a chat up line
" Bae will you be my boo, so I can gift you some ripe banana"?



One question please, so you like to turn the light on?


Having read that 'How to please a Nigerian man' artcle by that Etcetera chap. What an idiot, he is definitely an attention seeker. The sad thing is a number of people share his views. When will somebody write an article on how to please a Nigerian Woman? This is why all the Felix's out there will continue to thrive when ratio of Bae's to the the Naija man is about 100 to 1, all of them competing for his affection.

#Albanese, please leave Don Jazzy alone, he is one of Naija's biggest Music producers, he continues to release one hit after the other.

Anonymous said...

What's all this talk of putting on and offing the light?
And where's this video you guys talking about?


@ A new anonymous, 9.12

Rather than complaining about what ETC has written, If you care to write an article on 'How to please a Naija woman', Am sure myself and other boo's out there will be all ears and learn some valid tips.

Iya ibeji said...

@ anonymous 11:48 a8 )

There is a video link at the end of the blog! Where it says: please tap here!

What shocks me about life is that it is usually the parent of six kids that is always so shockable!! Turn off light ke!! Whatever for!! And they are the ones with a string of kids in tow! The lights are turned out to create " atmospheric conditions"
( well crammed ).

I really do hope this helps somewhat!

Albanese aka Avenue said...

Fine boy jonny

12/10 for observation.

I like to see what I'm working with, in case I need to take a rain check!

Albanese aka Avenue said...

@ iya ibeji
Abeg lef that atmospheric pressure Matter for Mattias

How to please a Nigerian woman

1. Make Money fast fast. We no dey inside "Surulere" (patience is profitable), only "Olorunsogo's" (the kingdom of God is here) need apply.

2. Be an Orphan. We don't share space anywhere, Bricks or heart

3. Be an only child. Siblings are a superfluous appendage!

Get the 3, (bae, boo, or any other razz no matter!) Get the GIFT.



Am proud to say I tick 2 out of your 3 specs of how to please a Naija Bae, but no am not willing to kill my parents for any woman.

Fatai 'Omo' Alaka - Change of definition said...

Hmmm. Bro Felix to be a 4 by 4 he must either be very handsome(hopefully better than I look) or charming or poor and spends more than he earn on 'sina'. I guess it neither, just think the girls must be so lonely, desperately wanting and needing. Poor them.
Now about "Wives submit yourselves unto your husbands' as unto The Lord" Ephesians 5:22 - Lord, Lord,Lord I thought he/she was suppoes to belive in equality, so a woman must submit to a man with 4 Eles or prebook for his attention, but the man can get it on demand. I rest my case and reserve the rest of my ... . As for the asorted types of 'experts' that has sprung up in 9ija - where do you start from. Petrol crisis they all become petrolium experts and analyst, Boko Haram lobs a bomb the same experts becomes a bomb and granade experts, from 29th May they will all become Nation building expert. ETC that had issue with TS, am sure he would not hv criticised her if she gave him an autograph. That would have been his claim to fame. We all need our moments of fame in life. This is his own - hence we all talking and writting about him. Good on him.

Anonymous said...

Risikatu, Sorry to a be a nuisance and ask another question, but please what was Felix attraction to Bae 4?
I eagerly anticipate a comprehensive robust answer!

Foluke (Bose) Gabriel said...

@ anonymous,

Make u read the blog well na.
Bae 4 "mojo" dey for the hairy legs wey dey rub the "craw craw" wey dey Felix "gbewa"

Risi By Name said...

Anonymous 28 May @ 18:03

The answer to your question lies within the hair removal cream.
Always happy to expantiate on any grey areas!

Anonymous said...

Yes, mission accomplished. Thanks to Dela and Tayo. RBN thanks for reminding us of what is important and educating us on this important matter of organ donation.

I am not keen on those expressions and I would not appreciate if I am referred to as 'Ele'. I don't have a problem with people using the expression I just don't want to be referred to as such.

I tell people that they are pretty, that they look well, that they look good without using any of those naija expressions. I am sure that it is always well received.

I would rather be told that I look nice than be referred to as omo ele. I will not compliment Or refer to anyone as omo ele. I am hard core naija, quintessential ly omo Eko, born in this part of the world but breed in Nigeria. I just don't like and can't stand those expressions. Call me Egbe, I don't mind.

Silly terms of endearment, any man who refers to me as babe or bae or babe, that will be it. I don't want to be called darling or sweetheart or any of that by any or every body. These terms are used senselessly and carelessly that there is no significance to such terms any longer. I love the term darling or dear as long as it is used by the right person. I am sure you know what I am talking about.

Felix may be a local champion, he is obviously having a time, it is the stupid girls that I feel sorry for. Go Felix, go Felix, go Felix.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Felix is obviously not discriminating. He is enjoying variety, orisirisi. Well done boy.

Looking forward to next post. God Bless RBN.

Big Sis S said...

All I have to say is 'LOL'

ps. shout out to my fellow 'Eji' ladies!!

Fine gal no pimples said...

When I first came to this country I stayed with my uncle. I really admired him so much. And loved him too. He was so romantic. Treated the wife like a doll. My aunty loved him back. He called her "atupa parlour" literally meaning "light of the parlour". But I found out later her had various madams dotted around the Peckham area! He was having the time of his life. Each woman had their own nickname. He was good in keeping the women away from each other. Each one had a peculiarity which earned them a nickname. Each one loved him dearly. He was very similar to Felix. He was a regular jack the lad. When I found out I was shocked. Of course everyone else knew. Yep.... He did leave a trailer load of children.

So, you will pardon me if I say "pemi loruko ko ri mi fin" meaning "disrespect me by calling me by name" Leave all endearments by the door. I'm not having any of that romantic Yamayama (rubbish) . Ladies beware smooth operators like this are still on the prowl. As my people say "buyer beware".

Ms Jackson oooh said...

Fine gal no pimples

Your Uncle was a serious "ogbologbo" (expert I think?)
I hope the trailer load of children know themselves!
With this Felix-like men, incest becomes a very present issue

Anonymous said...

Fine girl no pimples who posted at 18 40

I don't understand why your uncle felt he could get away with such a dishonest life, he may have gotten away with it in life' fortunately, he didn't , but definitely not in death. How does he feel now when the world is aware of his dishonest life?. Dishonest, careless, senseless, carefree, greedy, indifferent. We have to be mindful who we admire and who we look up to, we never can tell what the are up to. Most humans are true, admirable and honest.

A FOLLOWER said...

Anon 6:41

What a mean comment to make, this is just a fun blog, why take it to THAT level of spitefulness
You need to lighten up , take a chill pill and probably a laxative.
If fine gal pimples found the humour in her uncles antics, who are u to be so judgemental?

Foluke (Bose) Gabriel said...

Haba! Anonymous @ 6.41

True true Uncu no do well but he still be Uncu now. Like most people I am still a bit "old school". I beg no match Uncu like so.
Only God can judge Felix and Uncu.

We all have our "skeletons" hidden even if they are over different issues.

I beg this girl/gal issue don cause wahala before O! It is important for World Peace that you get it right! LOL.

Just as Bae is different from Babe so is gal different from girl.

fine gal no pimples said...

@ Anonymous @6.41

I have started my household chores this morning so I don't have your time. When I finish I will either go spare or accept that you have just abused " 'olori ebi mi" . The head of our family London branch. You are so lucky my uncle is in heaven right now. Even his pastor friend didn't make it. He was locked out for being too judgemental. Just like you will be if you are not careful. I am coming back for you! Wait for me...

Foluke (Bose) Gabriel said...

@ Fine gal no pimples

LoooooL. Too funny.
You sef, make you no fight you go carry knife!

What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

Ogunsekan pikin, why are you trying to
' find my mouth' ? Gal/girl is not the subject of this blog's rant so zip it.

Fine gal no pimples said...

@ Foluke Ogunsekan : I'm a lover not a fighter.
@ Miss Jack son ooh : yes he was! He had the looks, the money and the charm. All children know and love each other.
@ Foluke Ogunsekan 8.12 : Thank you!
@ Follower 8.10 Thank you!

This blog is a fun blog. BUT People really have to be careful about what we say and how we say it! I'm a happy go lucky person generally but will not allow anyone to use any member of my family " runn pako" ( use my family to chew chewing stick) in other words we should not rubbish other people. I am not leaving this blog for anyone because I like it. But we should all be mindful that we can't choose our families (good thing we can pick our friends ehh?) Everyone on this blog should be polite kind and mindful of other peoples feelings.

Many thanks to people who commented and those that ran away. I'm watching you o! BIG SMILE

Oyinade said...

Fine gal no pimples, I so share your sentiments. No one should insult another person's ancestry (whether expressly or impliedly). May God rest the dead. Kindly ignore those who throw red herrings and please continue to enjoy the blog.


My suprization, some people have now turn to blog moderator!!!!
Also known as 'sucking up' or trying to look good.
Hope you are being paid for this service abi na pro bono?