Friday 26 June 2015



Hi guys, let me introduce you to my 'Brother From Another Mother', William Ifeanyi Moore. That's him in the pic above with me besides him!
Hmmm now where do I start? Well one day I stumbled across an interesting article written by him in Bella Naija, see here.
And the rest is history, blah di blah!
So now you lucky guys are stuck with a short, sharp Guest Blog by William, here today!
In the pic above I think he's at a museum or somewhere. He has very quirky pastimes that do not particularly interest me, he's also rather deep and philosophical and most times I do not really understand half of what he talks about! One thing I can say about him though 'HE WRITES'.
And on that note guys I hand the baton to William (Cubixthoughts):

Saturday 20 June 2015



Fear not, I've not lost the plot I'm not about to start 'cussing' you guys out!! I appreciate your custom. Don't you just love it though? We've seen it too often many times, blog author gets carried away and feels they are in their comfort zone so they start to cuss out their readers!'
There's a particular Naija blogger, one Aunty based in Germany, she has this habit of getting rather 'verbal' with her readers, there is nothing she will not say when her readers 'express their opinion' she's not happy with, she literally goes for the jugular! When she's yapping them she says she's 'having a rant', but still has quite a few readers. In fact when she's finished yapping her blog visitors they will even usually start pledging their allegiance to her and assuring her, that they are all 'forever loyal to her government!! 

On a slow news day she'll post a random question and ask her readers to have a rant about any topic they choose!! Mind blowing isn't it? Then all of them will start; the aggrieved wife, angry side chic, the oppressed daughter-in-law, the cuckolded 'horzband'. Imagine 30 comments from 30 angry people!!

Thursday 11 June 2015



Ever tried taking a selfie with a horse? Well I've been there, done that and worn the T-shirt, not an easy task I tell you!

Now this was not how it was planned, honestly!
I had always thought the first time I make an appearance on a post, I'd be looking 'the part' my slimmest ever, skin blemish-free, make-up on point, eyebrow game forever strong, best side on display, standing against the back drop of one of the most envious place ever. Alas, this was not meant to be, Man proposes......blah di blah. 
So what I'm treating you guys to instead is a blurry pic of me with my mate Annie and her horse, Mubarak aka MuMu, on a windy rainy summer evening at the stable yard. 

Thursday 4 June 2015




Earlier this week I was doing what I do best (No, not stalking your 'fotos' on your respective social media profiles!!) reminiscing with my dad and brother. And out of the blues my dad asks 'Ola what happened to that former boss of know the one that you worked with at Anthony Village, I can't remember his name ..ermmm' before my dad could land I chipped in "Mr Ooh" dad says yes 'Mr Ooh that was the name'

Dad sighs and says "what a character!!" To myself I'm thinking referring to Mr Ooh as a character was letting him off lightly. I then have a light bulb moment and tell my dad and brother, that It would be a disservice not to dedicate a blog post to Mr Ooh. As my brother starts to laugh, Dad cautiously asks  'are you allowed to do that, Ola. You don't want to put yourself in trouble'. I explain that I would not be mentioning Mr Ooh's real name, anything derogatory or untrue so what harm could it possibly do, I'm simply gonna put it out there!