Thursday 11 August 2016



Yeah I've done it again. 
Narcissistic me taking pride of place 'On top of blog' with my homeboy TJ who happens to be a friend's son and Minister Of Enjoyment's nephew. 
As you know there is always method in the madness, so obviously today we will be discussing all things 'Sport'. And as you wonder what's sporty about that pic, well I put it to you that me wearing that t-shirt embossed with a silhouette of my idol, Reigning Olympic Champion, Jamaican Usain St. Leo Bolt striking his famous pose is the closest you will get me to doing anything sporty. That t-shirt is 'The Truth' and those of you that know me well will know about my addiction to him and that coincidentally we also share the same birthday. I've had the T-shirt since the 2012 London Olympics,  a gift from my brother, I think his reasoning at the time would have been 'ah, this girl is showing passion in something apart from food, let's encourage her'. I cherish it, it's brought out periodically and worn with so much pride. 

Sunday 7 August 2016



Hello it's me, Happy New year. 
Yes I know it's the month of August and it's been a while but the truth is 'life happens'
So 'hey ho' here I am in all my glory (cap in hand) the struggle is real!

The worse thing about taking this break from blogging was the day I was all fired up and ready to pick up from where I left and start blogging again, I had a technical glitch and could not access my blog account from my iPad. It was literally a case of "Man proposes God disposes' An update was required before I could log-on to Blogspot this however was impossible as my ipad was filled with photographs, videos and my music. I considered deleting some pics to create space but after scrolling through numerous selfies of my gorgeous self back in the day looking 7kg lighter and all 50 shades of cuteness, I said to myself 'no way, the pics gotta stay'. I'm not losing these memories.