Friday 27 February 2015



The random 'Selfie' at the top of post is my attempt at keeping fit this 2015 by walking to work every morning rather than taking the car (Yes, I am aware that my mates run marathons!)
The colour of my trainers is obviously co-ordinated with my lipstick.
Kindly excuse fashion faux pas of combining trainers with tights as this matter has been resolved with an extra pair of office shoes in handbag. You may thank me for this useful piece of information at a later date!

We're into the 9th week of the year, things may have started to slide.
All those new year resolutions;

Monday 23 February 2015


Ome Kokoricha (with the lovely smile and blue dress) turned 18 on 13th February. Mum (aka MOE, Minister Of Enjoyment ) and dad celebrated with a thanksgiving this Sunday. 
Ome baby thanks we had so much fun, your Britney Spears & Beyoncé Tribute were really 'Turn Up'.
The Girls say 'have an A-Troupe birthday' & also send the coded words 'Eldon & Chris' to you. They say you'll understand (you kids and all your slangs!)

I hope we 'random' aunties and uncles were not too embarrassing!

Love you loads Xxxx

Akpevwe, why are you stealing the limelight and 'hugging' your sister's cake?
MOE, your banga soup plus 'swallow' na die!!!

Tuesday 17 February 2015



Hi folk, this is a first. 
I had not planned to post this week, I was going to take the easy option with my excuse being that it's half term. Pathetic excuse though, as it's not as if my 17 and 15 year old are babies, they very much do their own thing. I just stay at home out of habit with them, while they ignore me and wonder 'why is this woman at home, hugging the remote control?' 
Sorry to digress but while on the subject of 'hugging' why do our people love the rude phrase 'go and hug a transformer' when 'cussing' people out?

Anyway as I try to hold on to the last of my youth by engaging in up-to-date-hippy banter with my girls,

Friday 13 February 2015



Oh dear, it's that time of the year again, love is in the air, St.Valentine lands at the stroke of midnight. The kata-kata this guy will cause na wa!!! 

There will be proposals of marriage, love will be re-ignited, the day will mark the start of many relationships and the end of a few, (research has it that February 15th is International Break-up day, as couples would have had the opportunity to re-evaluate their relationships on Valentine's day and summon up courage to call it quits the next day. So much for useful facts of the day!).

Friday 6 February 2015


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ~ Charles Calab Colton

I came across a different spin on this famous quote the other day that made me smile and gave me a 'light bulb' moment, it read something like this:

"Though imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery it often means that you lack personality, talent and creativity so kindly stop before you hurt yourself!"

'Follow-Follow' mentality is widespread amongst our people. It is the comparison to one's neighbour as a benchmark for social class or the accumulation of material goods. Failing to 'Keep up with the Baloguns' occurs when we are more concerned about our standard of living in relation to our peers or neighbours.