Friday 27 November 2015



The weather has taken a turn for the worst and 'they' say it's going to be bitterly cold this Christmas. On this side of the pond by 3pm it's already getting dark, giving an illusion the day has already ended. If you're a 'nine to fiver' you can get caught in that cycle of wishing your life away in the rat race cycle of wake>>work>> home>> sleep. If care is not taken one could start to feel rather 'low' and presenting SAD syndrome.  
A quick copy and paste job from Google defines "Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) as a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern. SAD is sometimes known as "winter depression" because the symptoms are more apparent and tend to be more severe during the winter. The symptoms often begin in the autumn as the days start getting shorter. They're typically most severe during December, January and February.

Wednesday 11 November 2015



Hello guys, you may recall back in June I wrote a blog post about my friend Annie's horse,   Mubarak and my visit to the stable yard. See post "When Risi Met Mubarak" here.

Sadly Mubarak became ill over the weekend and passed away. She was a loyal companion who Annie considered a soul mate, she will be sorely missed.    

Annie, may warm memories of Mubarak warm your heart always. On behalf of blog readers I say thanks for sharing her with us Xxx

When you are on a great horse, you have the best seat you will ever have ~ Sir Winston Churchill

Friday 6 November 2015



I wonder how many of you are like me!
I can worry and fret for England. When faced with a situation I'll magnify the issue, sit down whinge, whine and complain. I'll imagine the worst case outcome of that scenario, replay it in my head, rewind, fast forward and live it in my imagination. I've been known to go on like a broken record and over-analyse things. I really wonder how my people cope with me. At times when I'm over analysing a situation the girls have a default response for me! It's the above statement 'Mum, it's not that deep!' This really winds me up and I ask them 'what do you mean it's not that deep??' And the reply is usually " But it's not mum!!!"
I've checked the urban dictionary for the definition of this phrase it means "The situation at hand does not require such desperate actions or "stop being so dramatic"!!!