Friday 16 February 2018



Happy belated New Year greetings, hope you had a fab Christmas.
Yes I know it's been a while and I actually have no excuse, I had planned to write a new year post but then I died.Yes you've read me right ‘I died’. In the aftermath of the Aussie flu that made the rounds this winter, I read somewhere that the test for whether one genuinely has a bout of flu is down to how one feels. If you feel like you have a flu…. you don't, that’s actually a mere cold you have!  If however you feel like you’re dying or been hit by a train then yes that’s the flu! So that’s it folk, you read it here first…I died. 

So now back to the photo at the top of this blog, if you're wondering what’s going on
sometime last year a restaurant “Ikoyi” opened in the Central London on it’s website the restaurant is described as:
‘A Chic space with decor that reflects the cuisine: a modern twist on authentic West African flavours’