Friday 1 December 2017



I’m rather slow when it comes to all things social media.
Apart from this blog and my addiction to reading Nigerian online magazines, my only other guilty pleasure in that realm is possibly my use of Whatsapp…or is it really a pleasure?

I was rather late in getting on the Whatsapp bandwagon, I was so hung up on Blackberry Messenger…it suited me fine. The mere fact that user’s did not need to have my telephone number and could be added simply by a unique BBM PIN number made it just right for me, I felt in control. I was somewhat paranoid back then and as Whatsapp started making momentum and people kept asking me to get with the programme I strongly resisted. 
My argument was I didn't like the idea that as soon as I download this app every single Musa, Nnamdi or ‘Funke’ I had on my phone contacts list who had the app would have access to me and be able to send me messages. (‘Kunle’ replaced with ‘Funke’ as I was worried that you guys would say…Haba Ola is it only guys you know!)